Discipline Policy

The discipline policy is meant to reflect our Mission at Saltcoats School.

“A caring environment where students and staff, together with parents and community, work to promote a love of learning, a sense of responsibility and respect for self, others, and the world in which we live.”

This code was created in cooperation with students, staff, parents and community members. In order for this policy to be effective we need to work in cooperation.

The goal of Saltcoats School is to create a “Respectful School Community”. To achieve this goal, all individuals need to adhere to the subsections of this policy.

Student Expectations & Consequences

1. Substance Abuse:

Expectations: Students are expected to abstain from use and/or possession of any drugs, tobacco, alcohol, inhalants and/or any related paraphernalia while attending school or any school functions. It is illegal for Elementary students to be in possession of drugs and / or consume alcohol. It is illegal for Elementary School Students to purchase tobacco products.

Consequences: Students found in violation of the above expectations will be suspended (length to be determined by administration) and parents will be notified. Authorities will be contacted if warranted.

2. Bullying:

Bullying is defined as an assertion of power through aggression, abuse, and social manipulation. It can include any behaviors that verbally, physically, or psychologically affect another individual. Bullying behaviors are intentional, persistent, repetitious and are meant to be hurtful.

Expectation: Students are expected to demonstrate positive character traits verbally and non-verbally. Negative verbal behaviors such as swearing, teasing, name calling, insults, put-downs, taunting, speaking negatively or making fun of others; threats and rudeness are not acceptable. Non-verbal behaviors such as eye-rolling, inappropriate hand signals / gestures, staring and threatening looks will also not be tolerated.

Expectation: Students are expected to speak with honesty and show respect to everyone in the school community. Humiliation, rejection, revealing someone’s secrets, social alienation / exclusion, spreading rumors, passing notes, lying, staring, leering or aggressive gestures, uttering racial slurs or making sexual comments will not be tolerated. These all are examples of disrespectful behavior.

Expectation: Students are expected to show self-discipline through their daily physical behavior. Students will refrain from;

  • Physical contact such as hitting, fighting, bullying, pushing, kicking, touching, etc.
  • Throwing objects (snowballs, erasers, etc.)
  • Theft of school or other students’ property
  • Threatening or inappropriate gestures

Expectation: Any behavior with sexual connotations or possession of pornographic materials or images will not be tolerated.

Students are expected to treat each other equally. Intimidation, which includes writing graffiti, playing dirty tricks, taking possessions and coercion, are not acceptable.

Consequences: The staff member and the student will deal with these behaviors when and where they occur. If behaviors continue, further disciplinary action will be taken. Depending on the seriousness of the behavior, staff members will report the behaviors to the principal and in consultation will determine the consequences.

Expectation: Students are expected to respect the school property and the personal possessions within. Defacing or destroying personal/school property, stealing and invading of others’ property will not be tolerated.

Consequences: The student will be required to restore damaged/stolen property by physical or monetary means. Depending on the seriousness of the behavior, further consequences may result.

3. Vandalism:

Expectation: Students are expected to move in and about the school and handle school equipment in a way that ensures the safety and well being of themselves and others. Students are expected to ensure the safety of fellow students. If a student’s safety is at risk, it is the duty of the witnessing student to report this to an entrusting adult. Weapons will not be tolerated.

Consequences: Depending on the seriousness of the behavior, staff members will report the behaviors to the principal and in consultation will determine the consequences.

4. Safety:

5. Appropriate Clothing:

Expectation: Students are expected to follow these guidelines in regards to appropriate dress wear:

  • Saltcoats School is an Elementary School, therefore, any clothing or school accessories that contain offensive words, slogans, or pictures are considered inappropriate. As well, any clothing that promotes alcohol, drugs, tobacco products, or is disrespectful to teachers or students is inappropriate.
  • Students are expected to wear clothing that is appropriate for the activities of the day and may be required to make adjustments.   
  • All students are required to have both indoor and outdoor shoes, it is a courtesy that students remove their outside shoes in the entrance. Non-Scuffing shoes are necessary for indoor use. Students are required to wear their indoor shoes at all times. This is important in the event of a fire drill or actual fire.
  • Saltcoats Students are encouraged to wear their School T-shirts when attending a sports function either at our school or outside of our school.
  • We encourage parents to ensure that their children are appropriately dressed for the seasonal weather we experience in our community. All K – 6 students are expected to be outside for recess, therefore being dressed warmly is necessary. This is dually important for bus students, as there may be unexpected delays or mechanical problems which may be enhanced by inclement weather. Students are required to dress according to the weather, and be prepared for a change in temperature. Proper footwear is also required. PLEASE NOTE: Bus drivers may refuse student access to the bus unless properly attired. Grade 7 – 8 students are aware that remaining indoors at recess is a privilege, and if not making constructive use of their free time they may be asked to go outdoors. We do encourage outdoor fresh air. Dress for the weather!
  • Hats and caps are to come off and remain off once inside the building.

Consequences: Inappropriate attire will immediately be dealt with on-site by means of asking the student to remove the offensive garments or accessories and replace them with something appropriate. Or, the student will be asked to cover the articles up and not reappear with them. If behaviors continue, further disciplinary action will be taken.

Students are expected to be in attendance and to participate to the best of their ability to achieve personal success. In order to meet this potential, students must maintain a respectful, positive, focused attitude. Students must complete assigned work, in an honest, cooperative manner.

Consequences: Staff members will deal with these behaviors, when and where they occur. If students are not cooperating in a positive way, and these behaviors continue to occur frequently, further measures will be implemented.

6. Personal Success:

Expectation: Students are expected to follow the appropriate behaviors agreed to on the Internet agreement form. The same expectations apply to students in regards to appropriate verbal behaviors (through the use of writing) while on the computer. Students are not to have any electronic devices at school in operation during school hours. If students choose to have them at school for bus riding purposes, it is the child’s responsibility for lost or stolen items.

Consequences: Staff members will deal with these behaviors as they arise. If the inappropriate behavior is in direct correlation with bullying, serious consequences will prevail. See Bullying. Students in violation of the electronic devices in use at school, will be first given a warning, second a removal of the item until the end of the day, and finally a phone call home for the item to be picked up and not to return to school again.

7. Electronic Devices:

Expectation: Students on an “out-of-school” suspension are not invited to be in the school or on the school grounds during the time of suspension.

Consequences: If staff members feel there is reasonable suspicion for something to be revealed from either the locker or the desk, staff members, in consultation with the principal, have the right to search the property applying the due process. Students found in violation of some evidence that was being hidden in the school property will be dealt with according to the discipline policy. Students on school property when they are not supposed to be, will be reminded to leave, authorities will be called if the student disregards the reminder.

Students are assigned a desk and a locker at the beginning of the school year. This is the property of the school division in which they have been given permission to use it. Students are expected to treat it with respect.

Further consequences in any of the above areas may include, but are not restricted to; parent contact, problem-solving strategies, behavior contracts, detention, revoking privileges, action plans, involvement of outside agencies, and/or “in” or “out” of school suspensions. Authorities will be contacted if warranted.

8. School Property:


Staff Expectations

  1. Teachers are expected to provide quality education for all students while following curricular objectives, effectively communicating between home and school and creating a safe school environment.
  2. Staff members are expected to be supportive and respectful of others.
  3. Staff members are expected to be positive role models and promote school spirit.
  4. Staff member are expected to apply the “Due Process” when delivering disciplinary actions:
  • Inform the individual of the misdemeanor and inform him or her of the consequences
  • Ask the student if he or she has any questions
  • Ask the student if they would like another unbiased adult present

Parent Expectations

  1. Parents are expected to be supportive of school staff by promoting respect, honesty, accountability and assist with decision-making.
  2. Parents are expected to prepare students for learning by ensuring adequate sleep, proper hygiene, regular punctuality and attendance.
  3. Parents are expected to provide students with nutritious lunches, essential school supplies and appropriate clothing.
  4. Parents are expected to communicate through agendas, notes, phone calls, visits, reading school newsletters and signing permission forms.
  5. Parents are expected to regularly read with children, and help with homework and studying.
  6. Parents are expected to be supportive of staff and students by volunteering, when possible, and expressing interest in their child’s school functions and activities.

This Discipline Policy outlines consequences for students. However, as adults, we are expected to resolve concerns and conflict in a mature manner and therefore consequences have not been outlined for these two parties. It is expected that both staff members and parents who may not be following through with expectations as outlined in this policy, attempt to resolve an issue by approaching the appropriate party as they are outlined below.

  1. Parents that have a concern with their child or a staff member should contact the person it directly involves and address the concern. Staff members would be expected to do the same, in that they would contact the parent.
  2. If a concern were not dealt with in a manner that you feel satisfied, it would be appropriate to involve the school principal.
  3. After the school principal has been notified and there is still some dissatisfaction, one could contact the Superintendent of Schools.