School Community Council

Chairperson: Tina Nabozniak

Vice Chairperson: Kim Daigneault

Secretary: Shona Evans

Treasurer: Anna Bergen

Members: Brittany Norberg, Teagin Novak

​​Teacher Representatives: Crystal Farquharson

Community Member: Marilyn Herron

The council also includes Principal, Ron Gillis, and Division Trustee, Lois Smandych

Code of Conduct

As a Member of the Saltcoats School Community Council, I shall:

  • Practice the highest standards of honesty and integrity.
  • Respect the rights of all individuals and maintain confidentiality in all matters
    relating to the Council.
  • Encourage a positive atmosphere where individual contributions are
    encouraged and valued.
  • Ensure that the well-being and learning success of students is the primary
    focus of all decisions.
  • Recognize and respect the personal integrity of each member of the school
  • Encourage involvement between Council and parents, staff and community
    through open communication. The Council will provide information to parents
    through the monthly School Newsletter and to the community through the bi-
    weekly Gazette. Minutes of the monthly Council meetings will be posted on
    the Saltcoats School website.
  • Use the appropriate channels of communication when questions or concerns
  • Apply democratic principles. All members have voting privileges with
    exception to the principal and teacher rep during an election.

All meetings will start at 4:00 unless otherwise stated. Parents and Public are welcome to all meetings. Meetings will be advertised in our monthly newsletter.

SCC Functions

  1. The SCC will provide advice and recommendations for the Learning Improvement Plan.
  2. The SCC will provide advice and recommendation for the student Code of Conduct.
  3. The SCC will provide advice and recommendation of Student Fees.
  4. The SCC will deal with parental and public inquiries in accordance with Administrative Procedure 151.
  5. The SCC will provide advice and recommendation of school fundraising projects – May 17 / 07 a motion was made and carried, stating that student-led fundraising activities will be communicated to the Principal and authorized by the Principal providing it is <$500. School-led fundraising activities will be authorized by the Saltcoats School
    Community Council.